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The Whakapapa of our Cotton (Part 2/7) Separating fibre from seed

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The Whakapapa of our Cotton (Part 2/7) Separating fibre from seed

The fashion industry is one of the most harmful in the world. 

The environmental and human cost is frankly catastrophic, and the way we (the consumers) have learned to consume (as if garments are cheap and/or disposable) makes us inadvertently complicit in the devastation.

And yet, here we are, a 'fashion' brand, tiny fish in a big ocean, with a dream of doing things differently. With a belief that the status quo can change, that with intention, armed with knowledge and discernment, we can make better choices that align with our foundational values.

With the unwavering belief that if we hold fast to the values passed down to us, of rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, that we have something important and immensely valuable to offer as an alternative to capitalism at all costs.

And with the absolute belief that we have a responsibility as kaitiaki of our whenua, and of the world that our tamariki will inherit tomorrow.

So it is the dream, that as we share some of the journey with you, and as you learn about the stages our products go through before they reach you, we hope that you will find in them integrity and value. That their journey will resonate with you and your dreams for our shared futures.


See Part 1, The Cotton Field here, or the next stage in the journey Part 3, The Spinning Mill here

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