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Ngā mihi o te wā! We're taking a summer holiday but will ship out any orders between Jan 1-5 and then from Jan 20th onwards. Ngā mihi o te wā! We're taking a summer holiday but will ship out any orders between Jan 1-5 and then from Jan 20th onwards.

He Pānui

Boxing Day Sales- and why we're opting out.

Boxing Day Sales- and why we're opting out.

It's Boxing day!  And we're not having a sale. But you'd probably already guessed that. So we thought we'd explain why.
See this hapu, they're the collective who provide our cotton. It's hard physical work. Growing a crop, harvesting it, fertilising it with homemade compost and depending on the seasonal rains to water it. There's no pesticide, irrigation or machinery here.

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Kirihimete- and why we're looking for ways to do things differently.

Kirihimete- and why we're looking for ways to do things differently.
As a whānau with young tamariki we've been discussing what we want Christmas to look like in our Kāinga.
Our kids don't yet have any expectations or exposure to what's 'normal' in our culture (aka pine trees, mountains of gifts, santa etc) , and so we're trying to be deliberate, to learn about where traditions have come from, and to decide if we want to participate in them. Continue reading