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The reason

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The reason
One of our Aho Pēpi wraps wrapped around the most precious taonga 💚 It's pics like these that remind us of the core reason we set out to create our wraps. One of the most eye opening things for us since starting Aho is the cost of doing business! Aho was born from our values and ideals- that we wanted to be be able to create, wear and use pieces that reflected our whakapapa and aesthetic in Aotearoa, and embody, in their whakapapa-their materials & ethics, our worldview informed by our kaupapa Māori values. They should be high quality, beautiful, sustainable, and importantly to us, accessible and affordable. We believe that living out your values shouldn't just be realistic/accessible for the wealthy. Doing stuff the transparent (fair trade) & environmentally conscious (organic) way, surprisingly, doesn't cost a crazy amount more than taking short cuts. But once we get our pieces through NZ borders, things start adding up quickly. We have been exploring the possibility of sharing our wraps in shops nearer to you, we'd love you to be able to shop locally. But what we've found, is that margins in shops push our costs beyond where we think the price point can be affordable. It feels like we've missed the point if we can make beautiful sustainable, whakapapa inspired things, and our whānui couldn't dream of affording them. All to say, that's why we're selling online. If you've got any suggestions or thoughts around this kaupapa, we'd love to hear them! . Thanks @mudz29 for the whakaahua ātaahua 👌 #ahocreative #ahopepi #whakapapa#piripoho #Kaupapa #smallbusinesschallenges

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