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A dream of products that blend aesthetic, ethic and functionality.

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A dream of products that blend aesthetic, ethic and functionality.

While visiting the team who cut and sew our wraps in India, we spotted traces of Aho scattered around their workroom. Providing dust covers to piles of incomplete work, on iron presses and more. 

It was such a surreal feeling to see our designs and narratives so at home, so far from home. Appreciated for their design and function. It was also that visual cue that really connects us- that these wahine elegent in their saris, are the same wahine who've created your wraps.

We dream that these wraps will serve you similarly in your homes. That they'll serve you and your whānau in practical ways- but also, as a visual reminder. A reminder of the gift of our cultural inheritance, the values passed down to us by our tūpuna and worldview that doesn't reflect the modern majority. That they may affirm this taonga, and embolden us to live it in our everyday. And also a reminder of the connections that these wraps have in a practical way to the whenua and whānau who grow and sew them in India.

In a season where there's a compulsion to buy now and think later, this picture for us is a reminder that every purchase directly impacts the lives and livelihoods, whānau and whenua of those who make our things. Every banal choice we make about what and how we consume will impact the world our tamariki and mokopuna will inherit. It's worth a second thought.

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